Powerful User Management
Get the reliability and scalability you need with Identity/User (Students, Teachers, Parents, Administrators) Management that work with your Social login.
Efficient user provisioning and robust management. Connect your users with the Ad-din using a frictionless experience across Ad-Din Web portal and Mobile App. Connect and collaborate with your user easily and more securely without the extra overhead.
Link Child to Parent & Class without leaving the screen. Powerful filters to view students, parents by class, section and teachers, one click export of the structured student's data to excel.
Display key metrics and provides a high level operational view of your organization in real time. Spend time focusing on your service instead of developing visual analytics features from scratch. Gain insights from anywhere!
Whether you’re working at your desktop or browsing from a mobile device, your dashboard reports will always keep you up to date on any and every KPI you need to track.
Everyday counts, attendance matters. Explore how simple it is with Ad-din.
Whether it’s a Quranic Assignment or Standard tasks, Ad-Din allows you to Track, Record, Report & Automatically Communicates the progress to respected parties. Get a solid control on your Hifz Programs, Automate and fill the parent-teacher communication gap with Ad-Din, Track Sabaq/Lesson, Sabaq Para/Immediate Lesson & Dour/Revision, report the Hifz progress. Include the class work in Progress Report.
You can include your Assignment docs from any authoring solution such as Office 365 or Google G-Suite.
You can include your Assignment docs from any authoring solution such as Office 365 or Google G-Suite.
Create and publish the exams with full schedule, Lock/Unlock for marking. Capture the marks by Student or Subject, all at your fingertip and plus it's powered by Automated push notifications, you act we notify.
Build Midterm, Final Exam Report cards in 2 minutes.
Reporting don’t have to be complicated and managing data manually can be ugly. Let Ad-Din do both for you, we crafted over 25+ reports for Madrasah and Masjid at your disposal.
Recognize Good and Improved, award from our list of recognition such as student of the month, best attendance award, etc. instead of parent coming to board (which hardly happens
let recognition board be at their fingertip.
Allows Madrasah administrators to delegate the class to a supply teacher in the absence of primary teacher, plus parents are informed in real-time of this arrangement and available in the Ad-Din mobile App at any time.
Create commonly used conversions from percentage grades to letter grades.
Create commonly used conversions from percentage grades to letter grades.
Class, Section & Subjects
A powerful way of structuring the organization. A Class is a Program i.e. Full Time Hifz Program. Further segregate the Class in Sections i.e. "Section A, B" or "Ml Abdullah Class", "Ml Zakriayya Class" or "Boys-A, Girls-A" simply what make sense to you. And load up the Subjects for a Class, upload syllabus PDF and tag the teachers who teaches it.
You are in control, make your own grading system or follow the standards, Ad-Din Supports all.
Student Enrollment
Enrollment shouldn’t be complicated, let Parent enroll the kids from Ad-Din Mobile or Web portal.ad-din.ca. All Administrator needs to do is approve the application and place child in appropriate class section. Isn't it reduces the chance of errors and saves time in duplicating the entries.
Parent-Teacher Interview
A powerful way to slot the parent teacher interviews durations, and auto inform parents to book slots. Record parent attendance for the interview and capture notes. A structured way of scheduling the interviews than sending letters and asking to pick the time slots.
Class Routine / Time Table
Build the class time tables that is clear, effective and straight forward.
Manage your organizations library, capture check-in, check-outs. Report on the circulations, effective automated communications and reminders. Structured and easy acquisition record.
Recording holidays, auto inform all the parents, handy list to plan vacations well.
Electronic Payment/Fee Register
Managing Program/Tuition fees made easy, automatic invoice generation based on set frequency, auto inform parents on due dates, remittance thank note push notification. Report on overdue and partial payments. Your ultimate electronic fee register.
Mark the School Graduates, Huffaz, Aalims and other programs Alumni in Ad-Din, ask and approve alumni verdicts for others to read and benefit in enrollment decision making.
Staff List
Most of the time community don’t know the teacher names, their biography the qualifications etc. Ad-Din solution allows you to publish a little bit about the teachers so the required information when needed are at community fingertip.
Service Pages
Whether it’s a dress code policy, Punctuality policy, Program details or other information, Ad-Din solutions accommodate all under Service Pages. Your published pages are reflected in Ad-Din mobile app or Website (PFW) in real time.
Role Based Portal
Ad-Din has 8 different roles, Musalli/Congregants, Masjid Admin, Masjid Staff, Masjid Volunteers, Madrasah Admin, Madrasah Teacher, Parent & Madrasah Student. One Ad-Din app for all.
Role-based access control helps you manage who has access to Ad-Din resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to. So for example, Admin can see all Masjid and/or Madrasah data, Teacher can see their student, Parent can see their Child(s), Child can see themselves.
Powerful Communication
Ad-Din uses latest Push Notification and Email as the communication channel. There are over 100+ Automated Transactional messages with an ability to send custom Push and email notifications. For example, soon the teacher saves the attendance the respected parents are informed about child attendance status whether he was marked late, absent etc. on the other hand as an example any emergency closures can be informed via custom message.
Why Ad-Din ?
Madrasah Across the Globe are Transforming with Ad-Din.
Drastically improve Madrasah experiences. Record, Track, Report and Communicate with ease. An Integrated Unified Digital Workspace for you. Break down traditional silos between Technologies and Enable the force, gain high efficiency with total mobility.
Sign Up My Organization Now!
The Complete Management Solution for Masjid/Mosque and Madrasah/Religious School.
Simply sign-up bellow with your username, email and password > Add New organization, Add either Masjid, Madrasah or Both > Once approved it will be available for the rest to choose when signing up.