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~Organization Size

  • Teacher: 15
  • Students: 175
  • Parents: 135
  • Administrators: 2
  • Programs: 6
  • Sections: 15
Ad-Din Modules  In Use

  • Academic School
  • Madrasah
  • Events
  • Messages
  • Live Streaming

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Journey with "Ad-Din"
Madaniyya Academy is one of the early adopter of Ad-Din and have contributed tremendously to the features that exists within Ad-Din. Maulana Zakariyya has been a great inspiration and supporter of this solution as whole. As an organization they have always struggled with structured data, effective reporting and parent teacher communications.  The organization has now passed the traditional excel sheets and manual emails and phone calls for their discrete processes with Ad-Din. 

Our Biggest Challenges


Unstructured data and inefficient manual processes


Inefficient parent-teacher communication


We were missing an automation and efficient ways to capture the data.


We struggle to compile Accurate, Reliable and Consistent Reporting.

Madaniyya Academy is an organization founded to serve the Muslim Community in Mississauga and the surrounding area. Since its inception, Madaniyya Academy has grown consistently and gained a reputation as one of the leading Islamic educational institutions that aims to have students memorize the Qur’an, have outstanding academic education, discipline, and respect within a moral and safe Islamic environment. 

In Nov-2008 Madaniyya Academy initated a small Class with one teacher and two students, and in Sep-2009 the institute stepped in to the Academics and hired more teachers. In 2016 the Hifz program has over 50+ students and JK + SK classes were initiated. In 2019 the organization have close to 100 students with waiting list and offers the comprehensive Hifz, Aaalim and Academics grade JK to Grade-9. 

To accommodate the need of the community Madaniyya Academy has recently purchased the new 40000sq ft facility which will accommodate up to 400 students and plans to offer much more services. 

Academy realize the need for an IT solution to support and structure the growing data around all of these activates, hence Ad-Din.
To begin with the Madaniyya Academy enrolled their Full Time Hifz program on to Ad-Din. Management wanted to fill the Tracking, Record keeping, Automated communication and Reporting Gaps at the Madaniyya Academy. 

Similar to other organization in Full Time Hifz program every student was provided with an Agenda book/Workbook where their daily progress, attendance and behavior were recorded. Madaniyya Academy plans to replace this legacy process of Agenda book to an Electronic format. The book was to stay with student with an intent for parents to review in the evening and sign and return next day. Students are mostly age under 15. The due to the age factor physical handling and integrity of this book was constantly compromised which in turn was resulting in reporting issues at teacher end as the data was manually totaled up on a weekly-monthly basis by teachers within it, further recorded in a monthly tracking sheet for principal’s review and record.

One of the other process was to take a late slip or absent notification that was to be reported to office by a student and office administrator to manually call and inform parents about it.

Madaniyya Academy was using mostly Excel and phone call to manage day to day affairs and most information was maintained on the paper using homegrown inefficient processes. In addition the organization’s administration staff relied heavily on Microsoft Excel. However, the organization’s stakeholders wanted to transform from this to one converged solution that they can rely on.

To mitigate the challenges Maulana Zakariyya and his Team selected Ad-Din as a solution.

With the help of Ad-Din’s Professional setup service and input from Maulana Zakariyya Desai (Principal) the data were structured in csv and imported in Ad-Din creating Students, Parents and Teacher accounts, linking parents to students creating Class and sections, allocating students to respected sections and linking teachers to their classes all were carried out within a short timespan giving a head-start to the organization creating the structured, efficient and data driven environment for the Full Time Hifz Program at Madaniyya Academy. Dedicated hands-on training sessions were provided to teachers.

One of the biggest challenge at Madaniyya Academy Full Time Hifz Program was to capture the daily Students progress for Quran Memorization which is structured in three main elements Lesson/Sabaq, Immediate Lesson/Sabaq Para and Revision/Dour. All elements are different for each student on a daily basis. Record Keeping, Tracking, Communicating and Reporting on these elements are core needs of Madaniyya Academy.

Ad-Din offers a very comprehensive solution to these needs under Madrasah module in Assignment feature. Due to the independent progress on the program in each Class section for each student, Quranic Assignments were created for each of these elements to capture the progress i.e. Quran by Ayah style progression tracking for Lesson/Sabaq and Immediate Lesson/Sabaq-Para and Quran by Juz/Quarter for Revision/Dour.

Each teachers today gets to record complete progress of these elements/subjects for each students on a daily basis. Solution not only automatically informs the respected parents on the daily child’s progress on their Ad-Din Mobile App but also tracks and report by Class wide summary, student’s summary and students detailed progress report as needed.

Ad-Din’s automated communication has fill the parent-teacher communication gap to great extent, saving administrative time, Madaniyya Academy plans to onboard the Academic Classes and evolve with Ad-Din as they shape and meets the Education boards compliance.

Madaniyya Academy also uses Ad-Din’s powerful Messages and Events module for push and email notification.
Perhaps the most conspicuous benefit the organization has gained is Structured Data and Automated Communication. “Before we were struggling with excel sheet all over,” says Maulan Zakariyya, “and many transaction such as Attendance taking only takes minutes now.”

Teacher can see the previous Quranic assignment status of students while marking todays assignments, automatic in-depth progress notification of daily assignments via email and push notification to parents and effective reporting has reduced our administrative burden to a great extent.

Read More Ad-Din Success Stories

The entire mobile ecosystem is evolving rapidly, users have powerful devices in their hands. Our focus with Ad-Din project is on how these powerful devices can be utilized for the sake of our dīn, and how those interactions would differ from traditional legacy isolated solutions/model vs a unified converged solution.
Success with Madrasah

Anjuman-E-Anwarul Islam of Malton

Anjuman-E-Anwarul Islam of Malton (Malton Masjid) is a registered charitable organization serving the needs of the ever growing surrounding Muslim community in Malton since 1989. Offering Islamic essential teachings for over 400+ students including four Hifz classes – Aalim, youth and adult classes for enhanced Islamic learning - and Much more...

Success with with Full Time Hifz Program
Islamic Foundation of Toronto (IFT)

IFT was proposed a solution that would give them a total control on their Madrasah especially Full Time Hifz Program, which would generate and nurture the progression of students in a much more strategic and structured way. The most important criteria for IFT was automation and reporting.